Monday, June 20, 2011

Maque Choux

There are times when you think of something you really want to eat, maybe something you haven't had in a while and voila, you've got all the necessary ingredients.  Today I was thinking about Maque Choux, or stewed corn and tomatoes, and knew I had everything waiting at home for me after work.

Pepper, Corn, Tomato and Basil
Simple food seems to be the theme in the summer months, I guess because the weather is just so hot, so something easy and uncomplicated is the ticket.  This is probably one of my favorite things in the summer because everything in it is a veggie I adore.  Heck, I guess you've noticed, I pretty much love all veggies.  My recipe here is actually half the normal amount you would make for a meal, but you may increase it as you wish.  It's perfect for Sunday dinner; it just looks like Sunday dinner to me.  Homey, comforting and fresh out of the garden.  My twist (you know how fond I am of twists) is to add some fresh basil from my garden to the pan at the very last second.  It just melts into the corn and tomatoes and perfumes the dish with lovely basil essence.

Maque Choux

4 ears of corn
1 small onion
1 sweet banana pepper
1 medium/large tomato
1 tablespoon sugar
Black pepper
Extra Virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

Corn off the cob

Cut the corn off the cob with a sharp knife into a mixing bowl.  Then scrape the cob to extract the corn creaminess.  Dice the onion, sweet banana pepper and tomato.  Add to the bowl.  Sprinkle on the sugar and add salt/black pepper to taste. 

I don't add very much salt, I prefer to adjust it at the end.  

Mix the ingredients gently.  Almost ready for the pan.

Oil and Butter getting acquainted
To a skillet, on fairly high heat, add the extra virgin olive oil and butter.  Melt the butter, but do not brown.  When the butter is melted, add the corn/tomato mixture and reduce the heat to low.  

Cookin' now
Cook, covered, for about 30 to 40 minutes until the corn is done.  Stir often to prevent sticking.  Just before you serve this, chop or tear the basil and drift it over the top.  Mix into the corn.

Done to perfection
I have these super friends who bring veggies from their garden when it's overstocked. When they brought me some corn the other day I knew just what I wanted to make with it.  The tomatoes in my backyard salad garden have begun to produce delectable little red, ripe globes and the sweet banana pepper plants are looking great with lots of blooms and several peppers on them.  So I'm happy. With a craving for a taste of summer, having everything handy for a dish so delicious makes me actually say out loud, "Yum."

I LOVE this

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